The Alcohol was firmly rooted is in the life of the people, I and of sense impossible to imagine that the festivities and celebrations. Every person should know how much you can drink, in order not to harm your health and do not suffer the hangover.

How to calculate your bespohmelnaya the rate of alcohol
In tribute to tradition, to drink the people of the table and the holidays, a variety of alcoholic beverages. But everyone wants to avoid the interrogation of a hangover in the morning, to preserve the health. Regular consumption of spirits increases the risk of dependence on alcohol. Any person can calculate a rate of relatively strong alcohol. There is a special formula that you can learn from the dose of a single use drinking when guaranteed to be able to avoid examining the hangover d: 1.5 m of pure ml of alcohol per 1 kg of body weight. Given the fact that the contains un vodka 40% alcohol d, in terms of the type of alcohol you can drink to in times 3.75 ml on 1 kg of weight. If the drink's clean in time for 4-5 hours, that the dose of alcohol can be increased by 25%.
And necessary to take into account the age and sex. The bigger a person is, the harder the body to cope with the consequences of alcohol exposure. The rate permitted for women and twice that of the lower housing. The presence of various additives, dyes or perfumes also increases the syndrome of alcohol, so that a side-effect of this type of drinks will be stronger than pure vodka. There are other conditions that the hangover cannot be avoided examine, and even if' s the rule of the drink:
- the mixture of different alcoholic drinks;
- reception of strong cocktails, alcohol and carbonated beverages;
- binge original works of art of one night sense sleep;
- Smoking during drinking of spirits;
- consumption of alcohol on an empty stomach or with fatty foods;
- in case of not complying with a break of about 20-25 minutes between the toasts.
The best way to avoid examining the hangover, the moderation in drink.
The amount of alcohol you can drink a day, meaning damage to the body
When you use alcohol on the liver drops a large due to the burden of the toxicity ethanol. But the more sensitive to the alcohol in the human brain that begins the irreversible destruction of the cell dl·lules with constant consumption of drugs and alcohol. The same neuronal no and able to recover until the next cup. If you don't know how much you can drink vodka, and in what interval of time that can cause the un irreparable damage to the health.
Alcohol other damage organs of the human body, but they handle the load a little better than the brain, and s are recovering more quickly the norm if s observed between the consumption of a period of enough time. Limit the ability of a healthy person for the processing of the alcohol, and 2.4 ml of alcohol pure for 1 kg of weight per day and in terms of vodka – 6 ml. Original works of art from the consumption of this general type should take the un's 8-day break to allow your body to recover and return to normal.
The amount of alcohol you can drink sense risk for sleep
The appearance of the dependence of the alcohol and not always depends on the amount of alcohol consumed. To a large extent, are caused by genetics and predisposition psychological factors. Even people who drink a lot, when necessary, able to long of a time making sense drink. But the consumption of regular alcohol can cause addiction and lead to dependency on strong. And the term "critical dose to the dose maximum for humans, that he can enjoy sense to run the risk of falling to 2-3-th stage of alcoholism, when a person loses control over their consciousness and begins to drink with a strong hangover.
People who suspect that you have an alcohol addiction, you should know what phase it is in. Important This is to avoid examining what is the disease spreading I at least firmly believe in this level. So, we have to remember the amount you need to drink vodka to not fall lower even, I, showing the strength of will to follow the rules, while they are still able to control themselves. The increase in the volume of alcohol can lead to recklessness and heavy sing. People who with the consume moderation and balance in the stage of 1-2 alcoholism, can I drink from 100 to 300 grams of vodka 1-4 of times more for. There will be a little bit of damage to the body and to keep from further sliding in the alcohol and the dependency that can occur to the drinker of sense.
Doses of different types of alcoholic drinks
Any amount of ethyl alcohol, and dangerous to your health. You must exercise extreme caution even if the consumption of drugs made on the basis of alcohol, and abide by the rules of their admission. We should not ignore the genre (homes are more resistant to ethanol) and to forget the health problems and diseases associated with it." If you are not hypersensitive to certain kinds of alcohol, the first thing that you should pay attention to the strength of the drink. With the same amount of alcohol with different content of ethyl varieties will vary due to the influence of a person.
Drinks, which include the colors and types different flavors of flavors, much more that bad either cognac or natural wines. Taking into account the particular characteristics of the body of each person has its own pace of alcohol. There are No exact figures indicating how many you can drink alcohol every person, but a first rule to the following: and Impossible to avoid examining the mixture of different types of alcohol, in case of infringement of these rules, the harmful effects of the alcohol increases. Women are recommended to drink half of the male dose. But the minimum daily allowance of spirits can lead to alcoholism and drinking if it occurs on a regular basis.
You can't drink alcohol
There are categories of people who are contraindicated the use of any number of a day vodka:
- 2-3 people with dependency stage of alcohol;
- epileptics;
- those who have suffered a shock or trauma of the brain and cranial;
- excitable, aggressive, conflict of personality that is lost the control of drinking original work of art.
Different People with diseases and to abstain from alcohol, and, in exceptional cases, and to drink only with the permission of the doctor.
Safe dose of alcohol: who as me?
It may be the alcohol beneficial?

Yes, if we are talking about a heart attack, liver or kidney colic. At a time when at hand there are no medicines, you can use the cognac or vodka – 1 tablespoon of one of these drinks s relieve vasospasm and improve the condition of the patient before arrival "fast". Help to small doses of alcohol and the persons suffering from hypotension: 1-2 tablespoons of cognac can lead to feelings of a person with low blood pressure. Nobody is going to argue with the beneficial effects on the human body dry red wine. The fact that in the skin of grapes and black grapes seeds contain resveratrol – un natural compound exerts powerful than an antioxidant effect. Ex: in the human body with fruits of the forest or prepared with wine, this substance prevents the development of cardiovascular diseases and cancer diseases, delays age-related changes of the brain and diseases of the musculoskeletal system. In addition, natural wines improve digestion and avoid to examine the deposition of cholesterol in vascular walls. Even though the world health organization prohibits doctors recommend to their patients as medicine, any alcoholic beverage. Even useful because it can only be the alcohol in small doses, in large quantities and addictive and the development of alcoholism.
What dose of alcohol is considered safe?
The recommendations of the same that the housing should not consume more than 40 g of alcohol per pure day (around 2 bottles of beer, 100 ml of vodka or 3 glasses of dry wine). And women, 30 g alcohol, pure (1.5 bottles of beer or 80 grams of vodka, 2 glasses of dry wine). And this, if that, assuming 2 days a week of the people will not accept a single drop of alcohol.
When does the addiction?
To admit to alcohol dependence risk units. Most of the people consider themselves to be not of the un drinker, but can drink a person a bottle of beer a day, but daily, and another to drink a few times, but with firmness. Which one of them has problems with alcohol? World health organization, knows the answer to this question. Who experts distinguish four forms of alcohol consumption.
Sure form. And when This, if a person drinks no more than 210 ml (for men) or 135 ml (for women) of alcohol pure a week. During the day the amount of alcohol should not exceed safe dose: 40 ml (for men) and 30 ml of ethanol (for women).
Threat form. And when This, if a person exceeds the safe dose and does not comply with the regime of sobriety. Doctors warn that with this attitude to alcohol from home risks in the future to become alcohol addicted to it and get as a "good" one of the diseases associated with the consumption of drinks excessive strong alcoholic (liver cirrhosis, ulcer gastric, anemia, cardiac insufficiency, etc.).
Consumption with harmful consequences. And when This, if a person is very drunk (continuous consumption of alcohol over 2 days), sent to the un overwhelming desire to nip. But the most characteristic symptom of this form of loss of control over the number of drinks. And to say the person loses the sense of proportion, and therefore, more and more often s intoxicated as a skunk. The third form of beverage use alcohol and considered an addiction, but the brain and the internal organs drinker, considerably exhausted.
The alcoholism. This form is alcohol characterized persistent failure by a person to give up alcohol, even in the name of failing health. In this scenario changing the way of intoxication, for example, before people have borratxo, became cheerful I go to sleep, and now had a form of aggressive and behavior. The dose of alcohol consumed in a day, it multiplies it.
To drink moderately and how much?
— No m importa if people 70-100 grams of vodka " a day of drinking. But we can not 70-100 grams. If we don't have pour un litre of spirits in a moment. Health and add that it. Therefore, you need to get used to the European version of wine consumption. Useful if This, the un or two glasses a day of wine drinking, but offers a of quality, — said the head of state.
70 grams of vodka or a glass of wine in the day or very little? Those who believe that the consumption of more than 8 liters of alcohol pure of a head, endangering not only their health, but also leads to the degradation of the society. 70 grams of vodka and 28 ml (22 g) of alcohol pure. If the head to drink in the "a day", which will be a bit more than 5 liters of alcohol for any pur — which is below the "red line" by the who. C a glass of wine a day (125 ml of wine, 15 ml (12 g) of alcohol pure) for each year less than 3 liters of alcohol. But, as a general rule, in different countries, the consumption of alcohol significant risks to health are considered by the week or day — and can be very different.
A certain wine that the more secure than the spirits?
A number of studies show that the relationship of moderate alcohol consumption with lower risk of developing different diseases. For example, you may hear that moderate consumption of red wine reduces the risk of diseases of the cardiovascular system. But perhaps for a choir of red wine and there is no better than beer, white wine or spirits, — noted in the clinic , one of the largest private medical research centers in the world. — There is still evidence clares that the red wine and good for other types of alcohol at the time of potential benefits for the heart. And important to understand that the studies comparing moderate drinkers, with those who do not drink at all, can overestimate the benefits of the alcohol. Nondrinkers The fact that you can have health problems — one that is why they stop drinking. We need more research, we can say that the red wine for the heart, better than other types of alcohol. And if, for example, the thing contained in wine is resveratrol, you can get it from grapes or more, not drinking alcohol, although the question of the science, too, and well studied.
The Centers of the specialists for the control and prevention of diseases clearly answer the question: "and it is True that the consumption of wine or beer safer than spirits?". No. A bottle of beer in 0.33 l contains the same amount of alcohol as a glass of wine and 150 ml or 50 ml of vodka. The amount of consumed alcohol that affects the health of more than type of alcohol. In General, the latest recommendations clearly say no one should begin drinking or drink, often with the idea that and good for health.
What the experts say?
Benefit from the preference of wine, vodka and highly questionable, — said Konstantin Minkevich, psychiatrist-narcologist of the 1st qualification category, the Director and the doctor — whatever it was, the effect of any alcoholic drink due to its presence in the composition of ethyl alcohol, and I, all and the same in the wine and the beer and vodka. So what does not avenue m to the drink, but the amount and frequency of use. Currently, the world health organization pren un radical points of view on the consumption of alcohol, research as data that indicate a completely safe and alcohol to a dose d does not exist, not to mention some health benefits. Therefore, the statement that "a glass of wine or two in the day and beneficial" simply does not and it is true. I would not want to fall into moralism and call for extreme measures, but offers important to understand that everyone, without exception, people who consume alcohol, are potentially at risk of alcohol dependence. And one of the risk factors for the development of the disease in the use of small doses regular more weak alcoholic beverages such as wine or beer. That safe dose of alcohol was not more said the chief psychiatrist of the Ministry of health Ivan Chorzow: "We are talking of minimally harmful doses, but it all depends on the characteristics of the"body people".